“The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”
Romans 11:29
A vision is a great thing. It is a blueprint. It is a compass that helps guide you in the right direction. But the vision must be put into action. It must graduate to a cause. God has given many of you a great vision. He also wants to help you move into your cause. What is it that is burning in your heart to do? What problems do you see that you can help solve? These are probably indications of your cause.
It’s important to note that everyone can have a cause. You do not have to be in full-time ministry to have one. Regardless of your vocation, God wants you to pursue a passionate cause. If God has given you a vision for something, start taking steps toward putting it into action. That is when you will become effective.
Move in the direction that your vision is pointing you. Don’t despise small beginnings. God honors steps of faith. You may be asking, “What if I have already put my vision on the shelf?” or “What if I missed my opportunity?” I have good news for you. It is not too late! I want to remind you of Romans 11:29 which says, “The gifts and calling Of God are without repentance.” God is not finished with you! He is NOT sorry that He has called you. He is NOT disappointed in you. He wants to see you burning with a passionate cause for Him.
Perhaps you were passionate about a cause earlier in your life, but it has now died somewhat or completely. I have good news! God is not finished with you! He is just beginning His work in you. Do not be discouraged. Your defining moment is still ahead of you. David’s defining moment didn’t take him by surprise. He was prepared for it. When it presented itself to him, he recognized what it was. God is preparing you for your defining moment. It is ahead of you.
Everything you have experienced up to this point is preparation for what God has in your future. God’s best is still ahead of you. Take what you have learned and let it ignite a new desire to step into your cause. Let it prepare your heart for what God is going to do in your life. Look beyond your present circumstances, see where God wants you to be, and then move in that direction. Before you know it, your vision will become a cause.