(Below is an Excerpt from Pastor’s Book, “How To Triumph in Troubled Times”)
You never go wrong when you walk the love walk. You never go wrong when you respond with God’s love to a world of hatred. Love never fails. If you respond negatively to what someone else does in traffic, it may lead to a major incident. Confrontations like this have been known to become lethal. A harsh response, even with just a few words, may push people over the edge. You see, just a few words start wars. Words of strife break relationships but words of love can bring healing to relationships.
In a world filled with hatred, I can choose to walk in the love of God. No matter how many people come against you, you can walk in love. The reason we can walk in love is because we have the love of Jesus in our hearts. The Bible clearly says, “. . . love one another . . .” (John 13:34). It does not say destroy one another, but “. . . love one another…” It does not say hate one another, but love one another. I can walk in love in a world filled with hatred.
When something goes wrong when I am traveling I have found that if you just hold steady and treat people decently God will somehow turn things around and bring you out in victory. It will work in an office where everyone is filled with gossip; in an office when it is dog-eat-dog, in the corporate world where everyone is trying to do unto others before they do unto them.
You say, “If I walk the love walk they will eat me alive,” but I am challenging you today; walk in love in every area of your daily life. It is a choice that every one of us has to make. We can respond in our natural strength that is very limited or we can walk in God’s love and all of heaven’s resources will be with us. I am not saying that if someone is threatening your life that you do not respond appropriately, but you can choose to walk in love in a world that is seething with hate. You can triumph in the most troubled times by walking in love.